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Conversations at Gethsemane – Part 18

By Andrew Williams – October 20, 2022

I was with you daily in the temple [porches and courts] teaching, and you did not seize Me; but [this has happened] that the Scriptures might be fulfilled.
Mark 14:49 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

It was God’s will for Jesus to be captured and arrested in this manner. God’s Words are true! If He caused it to be prophesied, it will come to pass!

Jesus states that even though they had the opportunity to arrest Him in the past it could not happen that way because the scriptures had said otherwise.

How well do you know the scriptures?

Do you study it?

Do you understand it?

Do you look forward to seeing God’s Words come to pass?

Are you just living your life oblivious of what God has planned for you and His creation?

As a child of God, seek to know who you are in His Kingdom and to live your life according to God’s plan and the purpose for you!

2 thoughts on “Conversations at Gethsemane – Part 18”

  1. Let us strive to be like the Bereans who spent quality time studying rhe scriptures so that we can know him better.

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