Transformed by Godly Meditation

By Andrew Williams

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Transform is defined as to make a marked change in the form, nature, or appearance of, or to change in character or condition.

The way of the world is totally opposite to the ways of God. God’s ways are perfect, pleasing, and good! When we meditate on the ways of the world, we become like the world. When we meditate on the ways of God, we become like God.

Who do you want to be like?

In this verse we are encouraged to let God transform us into new persons by changing the way we think. As we meditate on, ponder, and think about the ways of God and His will for our lives, we begin the process of transformation. We find God and we come to know His will by reading His Holy Scriptures.

Be transformed by meditating on God’s Word!

Be transformed by obeying God, submitting to, and surrendering to His will!

Will you do that today?

Prayer: Father God, I am going to stop copying the behavior and customs of this world. I want You to transform me into a new person. I will change the way I think. I will learn to know Your will for me, and I will submit to You. As I obey You, transform me into Your Kingdom citizen. Amen.

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