Meditate on God’s Written Word

Now go and write down these words. Write them in a book. They will stand until the end of time as a witness. Isaiah 30:8 NLT

 Good morning fellow disciples.

Isn’t our God great? He wants all creation to know about Him, past, present, and future. He wants His words to last through eternity. This is why He told His prophets to write down the revelations that He gave them, so that we in this present time and our descendants may know how about Him.

God’s Word is His manifested and expressed mind and will. This has been recorded for us.

Will you meditate on His Word to meet and fellowship with Almighty God?

Will you meditate on His written Word so that you can know how to live in His Kingdom?

Will you meditate on God’s written Word so that you can help others to come to know Him and to live for Him?

Prayer: Father God, I love meditating on Your Word! In Your word I find You! In Your Word I encounter You. In Your Word I come face to face with Truth. In Your Word I see the true me. Word of God, continue to witness and testify to us! Continue impacting and transforming our lives I pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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