Intercede for Disciples that You Have Never Met

By Andrew Williams

So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Colossians 1:9 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Intercede: to mediate; to plead on someone else’s behalf.

Have you heard news about disciples that you have never met?

Have you been informed about new disciples in a far away place that you can’t currently access?

Are you praying for them?

Prayer: Father God, I am so happy that Your gospel is being spread across the world. I thank You for those who have obeyed Your commandment to go out and make disciples wherever they go.

There are so many disciples that I have never met or will never know. Like Paul, I can choose to communicate with them remotely. Like Paul, I can pray for them.

Father God, I ask You to give them complete knowledge of Your will, and to give them spiritual wisdom and understanding. I ask You to baptize them with Your Holy Spirit and with fire. I ask You to empower them to be Your effective disciples.

May they preach Your WORD in and out of season. May miracles, signs, and wonders accompany the preaching of Your WORD.

I pray that You will bless them, and that they will be blessings to everyone that they encounter. Use them mightily as they continue to make disciples for You, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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