Divided Church

By Andrew Williams

‘First, I hear that there are divisions among you when you meet as a church, and to some extent I believe it. ‘ 1 Corinthians 11:18

Good morning fellow disciples.

What is the fellowship like in your church when you meet? Do you notice the lack of unity because there is division among you?

Is this division obvious? Have you told others about it?

In this verse Paul states that it has come to his attention that there was a division in the church at Corinth. Paul addressed this in his letter to them.

Are the divisions in your church being addressed? Are you ignoring them, working on them, or solving them?

We need to recognize the cause of divisions. We need to talk through them. We need to confess, repent, and reconcile with each other.

With prayer and the Holy Spirit’s guidance we can find the right solutions to unite our divided church.

Prayer: Father God, show us why we are divided. We will do all that is necessary to heal the division and unite once more. Amen.

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