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Conversations with Jesus at the Mount of Olives – Part 2

By Andrew Williams – September 29, 2022

But after I am raised [to life], I will go before you into Galilee. Mark 14:28 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

On many occasions Jesus had told His disciples that He would be killed. Once again He says to them {in the previous verse} that they would strike the shepherd. Apparently to strike the shepherd means that the shepherd would be killed.

Now Jesus goes on to say, “but after I’m raised to life I will go before you into Galilee.”

Any carnal person would probably be thinking that Jesus had a little bit too much wine at the Passover and was talking under the influence of alcohol. However, we know that Jesus was only repeating what He had said before and it was backed up with scripture.

Sometimes we have bad news for persons, and we try to prepare them as best as we can to receive that news. Sometimes it’s hard for us to tell them the truth in a way that they will accept. But sometimes we just have to be straightforward with them regardless of the perceived reaction that they will have.

How do you break bad news to the persons that you love?

Do you do it like Jesus did, by telling them the bad news and then giving them hope afterwards?

And with that hope do you make them a promise?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for always giving us hope in our distressing situations. Thank You for being compassionate and caring towards us. Help us to see the good that is present in our situations or that will come from our situations. Amen.

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