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Conversations at the High Priest’s House Part 4

By Andrew Williams – October 26, 2022

And the high priest stood up in the midst and asked Jesus, Have You not even one answer to make? What [about this which] these [men] are testifying against You? Mark 14:60 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Sometimes people try very hard to trap you with the lies that they speak. When they realize that their lies aren’t working, they appeal to you to say something so that they can use your own words against you.

Have you ever been caught in that trap?

Your silence has frustrated persons as they bring accusations against you. These accusations are going nowhere because there is no agreement among your accusers. What do you do in such a situation where you know that you cannot be prosecuted accurately?

Do you keep your silence and allow justice to follow?

Do you speak up to let them know that what they have said is inaccurate?

Do you laugh at them because their efforts have come to naught?

Whatever you do, remember who you are, remember whose you are and, remember His will for your life!

Your interactions with, and your answers to persons who are accusing you must depend on your relationship and your submission to God Almighty.

Be like Jesus:

Know your purpose.

Know God’s will for your life.

Do everything in God’s timing, and,

Humble yourself before Almighty God.

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