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Conversations at Gethsemane – Part 11

By Andrew Williams – October 13, 2022

Get up, let us be going! See, My betrayer is at hand! Mark 14:42 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Sometimes there is a time limit on what God asks us to do. We see three different times that Jesus asked the disciples to stay awake and watch while He prayed. Now the time for prayer was over. The support that He needed during that time was no longer needed.

Jesus had now been betrayed. In the Spirit, Jesus knew that Judas was on his way to hand Him over to the Sanhedrin.

Sometimes when we fall asleep during the prayer meeting, we wake up feeling physically refreshed. We however are not spiritually refreshed and leave basically the same way we went into the meeting.

However, when we pray through, we come out feeling spiritually revived and physically charged, ready for what is about to happen!

When we pray through, we come out victorious!

When we pray through, we not only support the person physically but spiritually.

That spiritual support entails God and His Holy Angels acting on behalf of those who we pray for.

How do you want to live your life?

Do you want to be the one who sleeps when needed or do you want to be the one who prays?

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