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Would You Do It?

By Andrew Williams – November 20, 2021

Would You Do It?

When the Lord first spoke to Hosea, He said this to him: Go and marry a promiscuous wife and have children of promiscuity, for the land is committing blatant acts of promiscuity by abandoning the Lord.
Hosea 1:2 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

So, you are seeking the Lord. You want to live your life committed to Him. You see how righteous God is and you are preparing to serve Him by doing things that will show how great God is. God now tells you that He is going to use your life as an object lesson for everyone to learn how much He loves them.

Then God says to you, “Go marry a prostitute who will be unfaithful to you”. Would you do it? Remember, you have spent your life preparing to marry a virgin, a chaste woman, someone who will serve God alongside you. And now God tells you to marry a prostitute who will cheat on you! Would you do it?

Has God asked you to do something outside of your comfort zone, something unexpected, so that others may come to know Him as Lord, Savior, and King, or so that they can return to serving God wholeheartedly?

Would you do it? Will you do it? Are you going to do it?
Are you doing it ?

Prayer: Father God, I love You and I love Your people. I will obey You in all things. I will do what you are leading me to do so that lives will be saved. Use my obedience to You to bring persons to You so that they will serve You wholeheartedly, I pray, amen.

1 thought on “Would You Do It?”

  1. This would be a hard one for most of us. However, I believe that some of us would after much hesitancy, questioning and seeking for reassurance that it is really of God as this is outside of our understanding of him.

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