Witness Needed

By Andrew Williams

Romans 10:14 NLT -But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?

Good morning fellow disciples.

Do you love people the way that God does?

God wants everyone to be saved. That’s why He sent His Son with the gospel of the Kingdom, so that He could redeem all mankind. However, Jesus is not physically here with us to go around and preach the gospel to everyone, so witnesses are needed.

Romans 10:14 Tells us that only persons who believe in Jesus can be saved, and they can only believe in Him when someone tells them about Him.

Have you been witnessing to people? Have you been telling them about Jesus Christ?

Fellow disciples, the need for witnesses is great. We need to be constantly witnessing the people so that they can come to know Christ as Lord, Savior and the King.

Will you be the witness that is needed?

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