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With One Another

By Andrew Williams – August 18,2021

“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” I John 1:7 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples. The following definitions will help us to understand what fellowship is.

Fellow : belonging to the same class or group; united by the same occupation, interests, etc.; being in the same condition: fellow students; fellow sufferers, fellow disciples.

Fellowship: friendly relationship; companionship: such as the fellowship of father and son.

Putting these together we get the following definition. Fellowship is friendly relationship or companionship between persons who belong to the same group and are united by common interests.

In I John 1:7 the ‘fellows‘ belong to the class of persons who are in the light, which includes God, and everyone who believes in His son the Lord Jesus Christ. This means that everyone who belongs to this class of persons are having fellowship one with another.

We who are fellow disciples are united by the common interest in knowing God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ who He sent. We believe the same gospel, we follow the Lord Jesus Christ’s commands, and we go and make disciples who will be just like Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit of God lives in all of us and because of Him our lives are unified.

If we don’t live according to the Word of God, and the Spirit of God, we are not able to be in fellowship with Him or anyone else who is truly following Him. Are you a fellow disciple? Are you truly living in fellowship with God the Father? Let us live our lives United with Christ as we serve Father God, living in fellowship with them and with one another.

Prayer: Father God You are light and in You there is no darkness. Those who live according to Your word and Your Spirit also walk in Your light. Help me as I have surrendered my life to You to continue walking in Your light, and help me to fellowship with those who do the same. This I ask through Jesus Christ who has cleansed me from all my sins, amen.

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