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With Gladness

By Andrew Williams – November 1,2021

With Gladness

Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs.
Psalms 100:2 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples. For these five days, we will be looking at Psalms 100, and I will be saying what the Holy Spirit has laid upon my heart. Today we examine Psalms 100:2.

Serve means:

  1. to give the service and respect due to (a superior),
  2. to furnish or supply with something needed or desired, or
  3. to treat or act toward in a specified way.

Of the three definitions, I like the third one the best. It speaks of treating God in a specific way or acting towards Him in a specific way. In this case, it is with gladness! The truth is that many of us are terrified, fearful, or even unsure as to how we should act in the presence of God.

This verse says that we should have an attitude of gladness. We should be happy! We should be joyous! When we are in His presence we should be happy, overjoyed, exuberant, and ecstatic.

Prayer: Father God, I will not serve you from a place of fear, compulsion, anxiety, nor will I come before you in an unsure manner. As I come before you I will be happy, overjoyed, exuberant, and filled with gladness. My mouth will be filled with praise and with joyful songs because you are worthy to be praised.

Glory! Hallelujah! Praise God! Amen.

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