Why Aren’t You Working?

By Andrew Williams

Matthew‬ ‭20:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬- “At five o’clock that afternoon he was in town again and saw some more people standing around. He asked them, ‘Why haven’t you been working today?’

Good morning fellow disciples.

Are you working in the Lord’s vineyard?

In this parable the Lord went out five times during the day and employed persons to work in His vineyard. He went early and hired some people, then four more times throughout the day he found people standing around doing nothing. Their excuse was that no one had hired them, so the Lord sent them to work in His vineyard.

God is always looking for people to work in His Kingdom. Fellow disciples, you know that you are expected to preach the gospel and make disciples. So, are you just standing around doing nothing or are you already working?

Are you waiting on God to come and tell you to get to work?

If you haven’t started doing the Lord’s work as yet, He is calling you to join those who are already working.

Stop standing around doing nothing!

Get to work!

Go preach the gospel and make disciples!

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