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Why Are You Waiting on Me?

By Andrew Williams – February 7, 2022

Why are you waiting on me

Therefore I came without objection as soon as I was sent for. I ask, then, for what reason have you sent for me?”
Acts 10:29 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.

Wait: To stay proceedings, or suspend any business, in expectation of some person, event, or the arrival of some hour.

Has anybody ever sent for you? Did you respond to the call? When you went to the person did you find them waiting for you?

Sometimes we find ourselves in a place where we have been sent for and we don’t know the reason. We might have an idea but when we show up that’s when we get a full understanding of the reason why we were called.

In this passage Cornelius sent for Peter because an angel of God told him to. When Peter went and he started telling them about Jesus the entire gathering received the Holy Spirit. It was then that Peter understood the full reason for him being called. Just like on the day of Pentecost when they waited for the promise of the father, here also we see these gentile converts waiting. God honored their waiting and baptized them with the Holy Spirit when they heard the gospel.

Do you have the message that people are waiting for?

Are you willing to go when called so that they can receive the blessing and the promise of the Father?

Are you willing to wait for the person that God has told you to wait for?

Prayer: Father God, like Cornelius I am willing to wait for the one that You told me to send for. Father God, like Peter, I am willing to go to those who send for me. I’m willing to preach the gospel wherever You send me. I look forward to seeing You pour out Your Holy Spirit on those who are willing to accept Your gospel. Amen.

1 thought on “Why Are You Waiting on Me?”

  1. A powerful message on the topic “wait”.
    May God grant us the courage to wait on him knowing that our strength is made perfect in weekness.

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