Whose Son Are You?

By Andrew Williams

‘So now we can tell who are children of God and who are children of the devil. Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God.’ 1 John 3:10

Good morning fellow disciples.

Sons of God live righteously!

They obey God’s commands. They do not sin habitually, but if they do sin, they confess and repent.

Sons of God love other believers!

Other believers include all believers, not just members of your congregation. Jesus commanded us to love one another, so if we are not loving one another, we are not living as children of God.

Examine yourself! Are you living the way a son of God should?

Prayer: Father God, we recognize your children. Help Your children to live righteously and to love each other. For those who are not your sons, we pray for them to accept salvation through Jesus Christ, as we continue to speak Your truth to them. Amen.

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