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Who Should I trust ?

By Andrew Williams – August 27,2021

“All the men in your confederacy Shall force you to the border; The men at peace with you Shall deceive you and prevail against you. Those who eat your bread shall lay a trap for you. No one is aware of it.” Obadiah 1:7 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.

In verse 1 when it was stated that a messenger was sent to the nations with the message to attack Edom, I thought that it would be nations that didn’t like Edom. But this verse shows that God was going to use Edom’s “friends” to attack Edom.

Confederacy means “a group of people, countries, organizations, etc. joined together for a common purpose or by a common interest”. So Edom was a part of a confederacy and this probably made them even more confident that they were protected. But as we reread the verse we see that God is going to use Edom’s “protection” to destroy Edom.

So far in this study we see that Edom had prideful trust in itself and now in its allies. However they did not put their trust in God. My question to us today is, “Who do you place your trust in ?”

Can you really trust yourself ?

Can you really trust the members of your confederacy?

Can you really trust your friends?

Can you trust God?

Prayer: Father God I remind myself today of this truth :

Closer than a brother
My Jesus is to me
He’s my dearest friend
In every thing I need
He’s my rock
My shield and hiding place
Closer than a brother
Jesus is to me.

Lord Jesus, I put my trust in You! I surrender to Your will and to Your way. Help me to live as a faithful “member of Your “confederacy”. I know that you will never leave me or forsake me because your Word can be trusted and You are faithful. I trust You Jesus, I trust You Holy Spirit, I trust You Father God ! Amen.

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