Where are you?

By Andrew Williams

Genesis 3:9 Then the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”

Good morning, fellow disciples.

God is our Father, and He wants to have relationship and fellowship with us. There are times when we just go to Him and speak to Him and run. There are times when we sit and have conversations with Him. And there are times when He seeks us out.

When God is seeking you and He asks you the question: “Where are you?”, what will your answer be?

Will you be like Adam who told God that he was hiding from God because he sinned?

Will you run to God and say here I am because you were expectantly waiting for God to show up?

Your response to God’s question will be determined by your fellowship and relationship with Him.

No matter where you may be, be assured that God wants to meet with you! He is actively seeking you! He wants fellowship with you! You are precious and important to Him!

Make yourself available to meet with your God!

Prayer: Father God, I am humbled and honored that You are seeking to spend time with me! You know how sinful I am and still You seek me.

No matter how I feel, or what I have done, I will answer Your call. I will tell You where I am and come to You when You call. Amen.

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