What if?

By Andrew Williams

Genesis‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭NLT‬‬ “Who told you that you were naked?” the Lord God asked. “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?

Can you imagine what your life would be like if you spent every moment of it in prayer?

Remember that prayer at its root is simply having a conversation with God.

What if your conversation with Him was ongoing and never ended?

What if everything you thought, said, and did, redirected your focus to God and His will for you and others?

Some of us divide our day into the time that we give to God and the times that we devote to ourselves and others. We focus on God in the time that we allot to Him, and the rest of the time we do whatever we want to.

We are like our parents Adam and Eve, who knew what God required of them, but they took their focus off Him, and yielded to the temptation of the devil. If they had kept their focus on God, obeyed Him, and resisted the devil, sin and suffering would not have entered the world.

Fellow disciples, we can pray without ceasing! We can redirect our focus to God and His will for our lives despite living in this sinful world!

If we spent every moment fellowshipping with God, our lives would be perfect! We would be constantly in God’s presence!

Jesus lived like this. He was constantly listening to Father God and doing what God told Him to. Because we have God’s Holy Spirit in us, we too can live like Jesus did.

Will you choose to live like Jesus did?

Prayer: Father God, I choose to live in continuous fellowship with You. I know that it’s against my human nature to remain focused on You and to be obedient to You.

However, I am born of Your Holy Spirit and because He empowers me to be Your effective disciple, I can do this because He strengthens me.

I will live eternally with You because I choose to submit to You, and live obedient to Your every Word. Amen.

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