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What Do I Wait For?

By Andrew Williams – February 14, 2022

What Do I Wait For

Now, Lord, what do I wait for? My hope is in You.
Psalms 39:7 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Wait: To stay or rest in expectation; to stop or remain stationary, till the arrival of some person or event.

I’m sure that sometimes we ask ourselves this question, what am I waiting for? I don’t know your situation but it’s a question that is worth examining.

Lord what do I wait for?

The psalmist goes on to say that the Lord is his hope. This means that he has a relationship with God. Do you have that sort of relationship with God where you can say that He is your hope / that your hope is in Him?

So as we ponder this question it is from the point of view that we are disciples of Christ.

Now, Lord, what do I wait for?
1. Salvation.
2. Healing.
3. Deliverance.
4. Holy Spirit, the gift of the Father.
5. Deeper fellowship and relationship with God.
6. Unity with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
7. The kingdom of God to take over this world.

The list can go on, but everything that I wait for has God at the center of it. Without Him I am nothing. Without Him nothing else is important.

I live in expectation until God shows up in my life the way that He needs to. As I live in expectation I will do as He commands.

Prayer: Lord God my hope is in You. I will wait for You. You are everything to me, so in everything I expect You to show up and I expect to live my life in obedience to You.

I know Your word so I will live by it. I have Your Holy Spirit so I will listen to Him and follow Him. Lord God, I wait for YOU. Amen.

1 thought on “What Do I Wait For?”

  1. Great words of exortation as we continue to reflect and wait patiently on God, and ad we wait we learn more about him as we continue our discipleship journey.

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