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By Andrew Williams – November 27, 2021


“Son of man, I have made you a watchman over the house of Israel. When you hear a word from My mouth, give them a warning from Me.
Ezekiel 3:17 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

A watchman is- “One set to watch; a person who keeps guard, especially one who guards a building, or the streets of a city, by night.”

Ezekiel had been made watchman over “the house of Israel”. Even though it wasn’t a physical house, he was still assigned to keep watch/guard over this household. Assigned by God, Ezekiel had the task that a lot of us would not desire. First of all, he had to look after these people who were already rebelling against God. Second, he was responsible for them, and third, he had the duty to fulfill God’s calling on his life.

When you are asked to be a watchman over a residence or someone, if you are wanted by the person then you may love the job. When you’re asked to be a watchman over somebody who definitely does not want you around, then you will either despise the job or the persons that you are asked to watch over.

In this case, Ezekiel was asked by God to watch over the Israelites who did not want to hear from God. This was a daunting task for Ezekiel. Not only did he have to guard them, but he had to speak the words that God gave him to them. Can you imagine how the people resented him for speaking God’s word to them?

Rebellious people do not want to be guarded by a representative of the person that they are rebelling against, nor do they want to hear from the person that they are rebelling against.

My question to you today is this: if God asks you to be His watchman over His rebellious people and to proclaim His word to them, would you do it?

Prayer: Father God if You assign me to watch over and guard Your people, I will do it. I know that they are rebellious but I want them to return to You. I will be Your ambassador here on Earth, Your watchman who will proclaim Your word at all times. Help me to fulfill this task, amen.

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