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Walking In Truth

By Andrew Williams – October 16, 2021

Walking in Truth

“I rejoiced greatly that I have found some of your children walking in truth, as we received commandment from the Father.” II John 1:4 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.

What role do you play in your church? Are you a pastor, evangelist, youth leader, small group leader, an auxiliary head, or are you a title-less disciple who is discipling other disciples? Let us examine our work with II John 1:4 as our focus.

When a person has come in contact with members of your flock would it be evident that they are walking in the truth? Would it be evident that they’re walking in the truth that was sent from God? I phrase the second question to bring out a couple of points.

1. The truth that was sent from God is the word of God as recorded in Scripture. This can be classified as the gospel of the Kingdom that was preached by the Lord Jesus Christ. Have you truly taught this truth to your flock? Does your flock know this truth? Is your flock living according to this truth?

2. Jesus referred to Himself as the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus is truth. He exemplified it in the life that He lived. This life was one where He preached the gospel of the Kingdom, taught the gospel of the Kingdom, made disciples, and lived in full surrender and obedience to God the Father. Are you living this way? Have you taught your flock how to live this way?

I was delighted and filled with joy when I learned that your children are consistently living in the truth, just as we have received the command from the Father.
2 John 1:4 TPT

Prayer: Father God, as we examine ourselves today, may we see Your truth. May we preach Your truth. May we live according to Your truth. May we make disciples who live lives fully surrendered to You.
May others see our good works and the good works of our disciples, and recognize Your truth living in us all, amen.

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