Wait in Silence

By Andrew Williams

Let him sit alone in silence, for God has disciplined him.  
Lamentations 3:28 BSB
Wait in Silence

Good morning, fellow disciples.

Wait is defined as: “to remain stationary in readiness or expectation.”

Discipline: to train or develop by instruction and exercise especially in self-control; to punish or penalize for the sake of enforcing obedience and perfecting moral character.

Has God disciplined you?
Have you been trained by God? Have you developed self-control through the instructions and exercises that He has been giving you?
Isn’t it wonderful that Jesus called His followers His disciples? He trained them. He instructed them in the way of righteousness. He developed within them self-control by virtue of the teachings and the acts of service that He instructed them to do. Jesus’ disciples are disciplined by God.

Can you truly say that you have been disciplined by God?

Have you been punished or penalized by God for the sake of enforcing obedience and perfecting moral character?
Some of us need to be punished or penalized by God because of our constant sinful behavior. God chastises those whom He loves so that they can become better persons. If you are undergoing chastisement or being punished by God, don’t be dismayed. It is God’s way of disciplining you so that you may become the person that He wants you to be.

Sit in silence my fellow disciple, because God has disciplined you. Think on where you have been, where you currently are, and where God wants you to be. As you ponder in silence you will see God’s plan and purpose for your life.

Thank Him!
Honor Him!
Glorify Him!

Prayer: Father God, thank You for disciplining me. I will sit in silence and thankfully ponder Your teachings, Your instructions, and Your love towards me.
I will now go out as Your disciplined disciple to train others to be like the Lord Jesus Christ, the most disciplined member of Your kingdom who lived here on earth. Amen.

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