Wait For Wise Counsel

By Andrew Williams

Men listened to me with expectation, waiting silently for my counsel. Job 29:21 BSB 
Wait For Wise Counsel

Good morning, fellow disciples.

Wait is defined as: “to remain stationary in readiness or expectation.”

Who are you? What do you do? Who do you speak to? And most importantly, who listens to you?

Are you the sort of person who offers wise counsel to others? Do people sit and wait on your words? Are they so full of expectation that your counsel will be wise that they will readily sit for hours just listening to you?

Where do you get your knowledge from? Who do you get your knowledge from? Are your wise sayings dependable and trustworthy?

Who do you listen to with expectation? Who do you seek out and wait silently on for their counsel?

As we ponder these questions today, may we realize that the best counsel comes from God and from the men of God. May we seek to become wise in the ways of God and help others by dispensing His wise counsel. May we seek wise counsel from those who God has given wisdom and understanding to.

Prayer: Father God, we are Your children, help us to be known for our wisdom and our understanding. It is through knowing You and living obedient to Your will and way that we become wise. Help us to be persons who can dispense Your wisdom to others in such a way that they will sit silently waiting to hear the wisdom from the Kingdom of God. Amen.

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