Wait for The Lord’s Return

By Andrew Williams

Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer awaits the precious fruit of the soil—how patient he is for the fall and spring rains. James 5:7 BSB 
Wait for The Lord’s Return

Good morning, fellow disciples.

Wait is defined as: “to remain stationary in readiness or expectation.”

There is a set time between planting and harvesting. There are conditions that make the crop come earlier, stronger or more fruitful. However, even when these conditions are fulfilled the farmer still has to wait in patience until the crop comes. He waits for the spring and the fall rains so that the seed and the plant may be watered for maximal returns in the harvesting time.

It is similar with the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus came and planted the seed, and He will be returning to reap the harvest. The condition set for growth, for maximal growth, is that we proclaim the gospel, make disciples, and live life the way that Jesus did.

We are tasked to preach the gospel to every corner of the world, to every ethnicity, and to every tribe. While we are doing this, we need to be patient and wait for the Lord’s return.

Even though it may seem as if the world is not changing, we need to be expectant and to be ready for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. We need to continue doing what He says so that all the conditions will be met for His triumphant return.

Are you waiting on the Lord’s return?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I am waiting on Your return. I will continue to water the seed that You planted and tend to the garden that has sprung up. I will help others to do the work that You have assigned us, so that the gospel will be preached throughout the world, and disciples will be made in every nation. Amen.

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