Wait and Receive More

By Andrew Williams

Peter looked directly at him, as did John. “Look at us!” said Peter. So the man gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them.  
Acts 3:4‭-‬5 BSB‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
Wait And Receive More

Good morning, fellow disciples.

Wait is defined as: “to remain stationary in readiness or expectation.”

In this story, the man was asking for money. His reality limited him to thinking that all he could get from them was money. However, Peter realized that they could give him more than what he wanted.

The gift was not based on the request but was dependent upon what Peter and John had to give.

The man was stationary in readiness and expectation for the alms that he had asked for. His willingness to wait made it easy for him to receive from others. Many of us at times ask for things based on what we believe that persons are willing to give. However, if we would only exercise our faith and ask for more, then we would receive more. Many of us receive little from God because we are not brave enough to ask for greater things.

Our God gives us what we need. Even when we ask for less than what we desire, God sees our posture of expectant waiting. He recognizes our faith, and He recognizes the faith of those who are willing to give, and He blesses us with more than we could ever ask for.

Have you ever received more than you asked for?

How did you respond?

Prayer: Father God, we have become so accustomed to receiving only our basic needs that sometimes we do not push the limit and ask for more. We ask You to do the things that You have commanded us to do. We ask You to heal us when we can command healing in Jesus’ name.

We ask You to help others when we can help them ourselves. Peter could have prayed for this man to be healed, but instead he commanded healing. You have empowered and authorized us to do Your will here on earth, Father God. Help us to step out in faith and give more to persons who are waiting in expectation. Amen.

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