Use God’s WORD to Defeat the Devil

By Andrew Williams

Jesus responded, “The Scriptures also say, ‘You must not test the Lord your God.’”
Luke 4:12 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

WORD is defined as the expressed or manifested mind and will of God.

Jesus was quoting Deuteronomy 6:16 when He used this scripture to help defeat the devil who was tempting Him. Three times the devil tempted Jesus, and three times Jesus used scriptures to defeat him.

What are your conversations with the devil like?

Some of you may be taken aback by this question because you are saying, “I don’t have conversations with the devil”. However, our Bible says that he comes to tempt us. So what do you say to him when he comes to tempt you?

Do you know God’s WORD?

Do you use God’s WORD when you are being tempted?

Do you successfully chase demons and the devil away like Jesus did?

Jesus knew scripture and knew how to apply it to the different situations that He was in. He didn’t only study the Scriptures. He also fellowshipped with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. He gained power and authority from God to deal with the devil in the manner that He did.

Does your knowledge of Scripture, your relationship with God, and your fellowship with Him give you the power and the authority to defeat demons?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I will follow Your example. I will defeat the devil with the WORD of God. Amen

2 thoughts on “Use God’s WORD to Defeat the Devil”

  1. Jesus was led by The Spirit, tempted by the devil.
    As disciples of Christ we need to be conscious that the devil like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, therefore we must be fully clothed with the armour of God at all time.

  2. Hallelujah. Thanks be to God. Paul says to the Ephesians in chapter 6 :10 that our warfare is spiritual. We must use the sword which is the word. N in another place Jesus says that the word is spirit. It takes spirit to fight spirit.Therefore we must seek to know God’s mind … His word, to overcome the enemy as exemplifies by Jesus who comes to distroy the works of the devil 🙏💕

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