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Unspoken Words

By Andrew Williams – July 31, 2021

“Even before there is a word on my tongue [still unspoken], Behold, O Lord , You know it all.” Psalms 139:4 AMP

Good morning fellow disciples.

Today I want to talk about the thoughts in our hearts and how important they are. The verse says that even before we speak the Lord knows what’s on our hearts. If God knows everything when we think it or even before we say it , shouldn’t we be careful about what we think? Shouldn’t we be careful about the thoughts that we continually entertain?

Today I want to focus on prayerful thoughts. There are some persons who believe that when we pray it should be out loud, but this verse says that the Lord knows what we think before we say it. Shouldn’t we therefore use the time that we spend thinking for the purpose of prayerful thoughts. This way we can keep praying to the Lord even when we are not saying it out loud.

Wouldn’t it be great to continually be having conversations with God, instead of spending time fantasizing about stuff that does not bring glory to God? Oh what a great difference that would make in our lives, as this would bring us into closer fellowship and relationship with God !

PRAYER: Father God I know that every unspoken word on my tongue You know it, therefore, as of today I will use my unspoken words to bring glory and honor to You. I will use my unspoken words to fellowship with You. I will use my unspoken words for meditating on Your scriptures. I love You Lord, and I want to spend all my time in Your presence. Help me to do so in Jesus’s name, I pray, amen!

3 thoughts on “Unspoken Words”

  1. Unspoken words which do not bring glory to GOD also includes thoughts that do not align with GOD’S purpose for our lives. For example, constantly being preoccupied on strategies about starting a business when GOD is calling you to go in a completely different direction.

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