Tough Love

By Andrew Williams – May 2, 2021

I will abandon my people until they have suffered enough for their sins and come looking for me. Perhaps in their suffering they will try to find me.” Hosea 5:15 GNT

Good morning fellow disciples.

After both Israel and Judah disrespected God by seeking help elsewhere and even fighting against each other, God decided to punish them. God then makes the statement in the passage above.

God states that He will abandon His people because of their sin and it is His hope that after they have suffered enough, the people will return to Him. God desires fellowship with His people but He cannot do this when they are continuously sinning against Him and refusing to seek Him. God knows that when the Israelites are under oppression that they usually return to Him.

This reminds me of us today, behaving just like the Israelites and only during times of suffering do we try to seek the Lord. When will we learn from other persons mistakes and lives? Are we bound to repeat the same mistakes that others have made in the past? Let us learn from this example and not put ourselves in the position where God has to abandon us for us to come to the realization that we should seek Him.

We know that not all persons who undergo suffering will turn to God. We know that some who turn to God only do so out of self interest. Then there are the few who will genuinely seek God, repenting of their sins, surrendering fully to God, and submitting to God in full obedience.

Prayer : Father God, You are just in Your judgments when You punish us. At times we are so sinful, so dismissive of You, and so disrespectful to You that You do not hold back Your judgment. We know that You are a gracious God, and You desire to have relationship and fellowship with us, so God, no matter where we find ourselves we turn to You now. We repent of our sins and ask You to fellowship with us once more. Even though we go through painful situations we know that it is Your desire for us to fellowship with You, so God we put aside everything that would keep us from focusing on You. We humbly accept Your gift of salvation. From today we pledge to live fully surrendered and submitted to You, and we will obey You in everything. Amen.

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