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Time with God – Called and Appointed

By Andrew Williams – December 26, 2021

Time with God – Called and Appointed

The word of the Lord came to me: I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations. But I protested, “Oh no, Lord, God! Look, I don’t know how to speak since I am only a youth.” Then the Lord said to me: Do not say, “I am only a youth,” for you will go to everyone I send you to and speak whatever I tell you. Do not be afraid of anyone, for I will be with you to deliver you. This is the Lord’s declaration. Then the Lord reached out His hand, touched my mouth, and told me: I have now filled your mouth with My words. See, I have appointed you today over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and demolish, to build and plant.
Jeremiah 1:4‭-‬10 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

So, you’ve been spending time with God and He finally decides to speak to you in a way that is scary. He says to you, “I am calling and appointing you to do My work here on Earth. You will be My disciple. You will be My ambassador for the Kingdom of God in its earthly realm.”

You’ve always wanted to do something for God, but this calling and anointing seems as if it’s going to be more than anything that you’ve ever imagined. How do you respond?

Jeremiah initially told God that he was too young, but God said to him “Do not be afraid of anyone, for I will be with you to deliver you. I have appointed you today over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and demolish, to build and plant.”

Guess what? Just like Jeremiah, each and every one of you, each and every one of us has a calling and appointing from God.

The question is, “Have you put yourself in a position to hear from God or has God placed somebody else in your path to speak to you so that you can know that calling and anointing?”

You may not think that you are capable because you are not living the holy life, because you are still living a life of sin, or because you just became a Christian and you don’t know a lot.

But guess what? Before all of this happened, God anointed and appointed you to be an ambassador in His Kingdom. Will you accept that appointing and anointing today?

If you will, then guess what? God will use you mightily in His Kingdom. Just be obedient to Him, follow His every leading, His every direction, His every word, and you will do marvelous things in His Kingdom.

Prayer: Father God, I am willing and ready to accept the calling and appointing that You have for my life. I know sometimes it won’t be easy, but guess what?

I know that You will never leave me or forsake me! I know that Your Holy Spirit will always be with me! I know that with Your Holy Spirit leading and guiding me I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

So God, I ask You to use me to advance Your Kingdom here on earth, amen.

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