The WORD Tells Us to Worship God !

By Andrew Williams

Jesus replied, “The Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God and serve only him.’ ”
Luke 4:8 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

WORD is defined as the expressed or manifested mind and will of God.

It is God’s expressed will that we should worship Him and serve Him only!

Prayer: Father God, You are the one true God! There is none like You. All others who claim to be gods are all fakes. No one else is deserving of worship except You.

You made us in Your image to fellowship with You. It is our duty and it is a privilege to worship, honor, and praise You. Your WORD, Your expressed and manifested mind and well, tells us that You are the only one who is deserving of worship.

Today, I fall on my knees in complete surrender to You. I will worship You only! I will serve You only!

I will teach others the truth about who You are. I will show them how to come into right relationship with You, and I will teach them how to truly worship You.

Thank You for giving us the opportunity to truly worship You in Spirit and in Truth. Amen

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