The Wicked Will Not Stand

By Andrew Williams

”That is why the wicked will not stand in judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.” (Psalm 1:5, NLT)

Good morning fellow disciples.

This verse reinforces the consequences of choosing a life of wickedness.  It declares that the wicked will not stand in judgment, meaning they will not be included in the final reckoning, the day when God will judge all humanity.  They will not be present in the assembly of the righteous, the gathering of those who have chosen to follow God’s ways.

This verse is both a warning and a promise.  It warns the wicked that their choices will have consequences, that they will be separated from God and His people.  But it also promises the righteous that they will be welcomed into God’s presence, that they will be part of His eternal kingdom.

This verse empowers us with the assurance that God is just and righteous.  He will not allow sin to go unpunished, but He will also reward those who are faithful to Him.  It gives us hope for the future, knowing that those who choose to follow God will ultimately be blessed.

Today, I urge you to consider your own standing before God.  Are you walking in the path of righteousness, or are you following the ways of the wicked?  If you are unsure, I encourage you to seek God’s guidance and to make a commitment to live a life that honors Him.

Prayer: Father God, we thank You for Your justice and Y our mercy.  Help us to choose wisely and to walk in Your ways, that we may be counted among the righteous and stand before You in judgment.  We pray for those who are lost and wandering, that they may find their way back to You and experience Your love and grace. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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