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The Victor

August 15, 2021
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By Andrew Williams – August 15, 2021

Scripture : “The victor: I will give him the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I also won the victory and sat down with My Father on His throne.” Revelation 3:21 HCSB

Observation : The victor: Jesus won the victory and sat down with His Father God on His throne. Jesus was victorious over the devil and sin. He did everything Father God told Him to do: He preached the gospel, lived sin free, set the captives free, healed the sick, and gave His life as a payment for all our sin. He indeed was victorious !

The victor: “I will give him the right to sit with Me on My throne.” Do you want to sit with Jesus on His throne? Well, you need to walk in victory over the devil and his kingdom, be obedient to the Word of God and His Holy Spirit, and live united with Holy Spirit just like Jesus did.

Sounds kinda hard doesn’t it? Well, it gets easier as we continue to redirect our focus unto God and keep it there as we live surrendered and submitted to His Holy Spirit.

Application : I will do as Jesus taught and as Holy Spirit leads so that I can live victorious in this life.

Prayer : Our prayer today will be the words of the song Victory, by Barney E. Warren

Hallelujah, what a thought!

Jesus full salvation brought,

Victory, victory;

Let the pow’rs of sin assail,

Heaven’s grace can never fail,

Victory, victory.


Victory, yes, victory.

Hallelujah! I am free,

Jesus gives me victory;

Glory, glory! hallelujah!

He is all in all to me.

I am trusting in the Lord,

I am standing on His Word,

Victory, victory;

I have peace and joy within,

Since my life is free from sin,

Victory, victory.

Shout your freedom everywhere,

His eternal peace declare,

Victory, victory,

Let us sing it here below,

In the face of every foe,

Victory, victory.

We will sing it on that shore,

When this fleeting life is o’er,

Victory, victory;

Sing it here, ye ransomed throng,

Start the everlasting song:

Victory, victory.

Verified by MonsterInsights