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The Truth

October 3, 2021
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By Andrew Williams – October 3, 2021

“For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth.” III John 1:3 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.
In this verse, John is saying how pleased he is that Gaius is walking in the truth and that the truth is in him. This was testified to him by persons who came and spoke about Gaius. Do people testify the same about you? Is the truth in you and are you walking in the truth?

The truth that John is talking about is the gospel of the kingdom of God that was preached by the Lord Jesus Christ. Gaius had accepted this gospel and was now living his life according to it. This was evident in his speech and his behavior. This is why other believers could report to John that Gaius was indeed filled with the truth and his way of living exemplified that truth.

Do you want others to rejoice greatly when they hear about your life? Then I implore you to live according to the truth of God’s Kingdom! Speak it, pattern it, and make disciples who live according to it !

Prayer: Father God Your Word is truth. Jesus Christ taught it, exemplified it, lived it, and taught us how to accept it and to live by it. Father God give me the strength to continually Walk In Your Truth that You have placed in me. As Your word continues to be the standard that I live by, help me to grow into being the person that You want me to be. Amen

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