The Same Old Story

By Andrew Williams – May 3, 2021

The people say, “Let’s return to the Lord ! He has hurt us, but he will be sure to heal us; he has wounded us, but he will bandage our wounds, won’t he? In two or three days he will revive us, and we will live in his presence. Let us try to know the Lord . He will come to us as surely as the day dawns, as surely as the spring rains fall upon the earth.” Hosea 6:1‭-‬3 GNT

Good morning fellow disciples.

How many times have you said to the Lord that you are seeking Him and returning to Him after slipping into sin? Isn’t it true that you expect Him to just forgive you of all your sins, and then everything will be fine? Don’t you often do this and then just go back to a sinful life as soon as you receive forgiveness?

Because we know God is gracious and that He will forgive us, we tend to take Him for granted. We just think that we can do anything and get away with it, and even if we do get punished, we expect God to just forgive us whenever we ask Him. The problem is that a lot of times when we ask for forgiveness we are not sincere in our repentance.

God is not stupid! He knows our motives, He knows our thoughts, and He will not always listen to us. He is a righteous God who does not put up with slackness. He will not always do as we expect Him to. There are times when He will just choose not to rescue us, because we are taking Him for granted and trying to pull one over on Him.

Prayer : Father God, when I repent let it be true repentance. Help me to examine myself, my thoughts, my deeds, my motives, and let me see myself as I truly am. From this revelation of myself help me to approach You in all honesty and reverence. When I say I repent from my sins and turn to You, then it will be true and You will forgive me.
Lord I honor You and I glorify You. I reverence You ! I love You, and I will always be truthful to You. Help me to walk righteous before You from today onward, amen.

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