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The Price

By Andrew Williams – May 15,2021

All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.

We are all guilty of straying away from the correct path. Everyone of us have turned away from God’s way to ours. The reasons why we turn are not really important. What’s important is we have chosen to do things the way that we desire.

When we do this we end up sinning against God, and because God is in charge of all things, we reap the consequences of our sins. But this passage states that God punished someone else for our sins. This doesn’t seem fair, but, this was the only way for God to redeem us from the power of sin.

Today we can return to the correct path and return to God because He punished His own son instead of us. What a joy for us to fall under God’s grace instead of His punishment!

Prayer : Thank You Jesus for accepting my iniquities and paying the price for my sins! Thank You Father God for extending Your grace to me! I receive it in Jesus’ name. Thank You for making a way for me to return to You, I accept it wholeheartedly and return to You. Keep me on the correct path by speaking to me though Your Word and Your Holy Spirit. I will follow You only, from this moment forward. Amen.

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