The Power of The Name

John 17:12 – During my time here, I protected them by the power of the name you gave me. I guarded them so that not one was lost, except the one headed for destruction, as the Scriptures foretold.

By Andrew Williams

Good morning, fellow disciples.

As we end this year together, many of us are reflecting on our lives and our plans for the future. Many of us started out this year knowing the plans and purposes that God had for our lives. For some of us, it was a progressive revelation. As you reflect on this past year, have you fulfilled those plans and purposes?

In this verse we see Jesus telling His Father that He has protected His disciples by the power of the name that God gave Him. This was one of the purposes that Jesus had.

Have you been using the power of Jesus, name to fulfill the plans He has for you?

Remember, as a disciple of Christ, it is in His authority and power that you are an effective witness.

As you make plans for the future, redirect your focus to God and what truly matters. Stand in the power and authority of Jesus’ name and go out to make disciples in the power and the authority of His Holy Spirit who lives within you.

Prayer: Father God, as we have completed another year together, I can only think of two words to say to You. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Amen.

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