The Power of Prayer

By Andrew Williams

Matthew 17:20 – “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Good morning fellow disciples.

Prayer at its root is simply communicating with God. But in this verse Jesus is telling us that if we have faith in God, we can see the effects of exercising our faith.

When we speak to our problems, or the source of our problems, we will see the power of prayer. If we emulate Jesus’ prayer life, we too will experience the power of prayer.

Jesus spent long seasons of prayer at night and early morning with Father God. Jesus then went out and commanded problems to be gone. He spoke to sickness, demons, and even death, and they all obeyed Him.

Nothing was impossible for Him because He believed in God, and He exercised His faith!

Are you speaking to your “mountains” and seeing them move?

Today I encourage you to actively spend time in prayer with God, and exercise your faith, believing in the power of prayer to change your circumstances.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I believe in You! I believe that if I exercise my faith and command my ‘problems’ to be solved, I will see the impossible come to pass. Today I am stepping out in faith to show the power of prayer in my life. Amen

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