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The Pilate Conversations – Part 8

By Andrew Williams

But the chief priests stirred up the crowd so that he would release Barabbas to them instead. 
Mark 15:11 HCSB
The Pilate Conversations – Part 8

Good morning fellow disciples.

Sometimes God places the correct choices right in front of us and it is so clear to see. We know what we should do but instead we petition God for something else.

Sometimes the things we ask God for comes from a bitter heart. We try to gang up on God with persons who are like-minded and we expect God to yield to our selfish requests.

What choices are you making in your life today?

Are you choosing to go with the crowd to kill Jesus?

Are you the one who is leading others away from God?

Are you letting yourself be influenced by persons who are doing ungodly things?

Are you going to be the one who listens to the crowd and its influencers and end up doing something ungodly?

Prayer: Father God, help us to make the right choices I pray, amen.

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