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The Pilate Conversations – Part 5

By Andrew Williams

But Jesus still did not answer anything, so Pilate was amazed. 
Mark 15:5 HCSB
The Pilate Conversations – Part 5

Good morning fellow disciples.

Sometimes the best part of a conversation is when you remain silent and just listen to the persons who are speaking.

In the silence you hear everything.

In the silence you see the character of persons.

In the silence persons realize who you are and who you stand for.

People will be amazed at you when you remain silent in certain conversations. They will respect you as they see your demeanor in trying situations. They will understand who you are and who the other person is as the conversation continues.

Are you a talker, are you an observer, or are you the one who will remain silent?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You have modeled a perfect conversation for us. You answered only the questions that needed to be answered. You kept silent while Your accusers were vociferous. You allowed the judge to see You for who You truly were and he was amazed by You.

Help us Father God to be like Jesus. Amen

1 thought on “The Pilate Conversations – Part 5”

  1. As I read this I am reminded of a “profiler”. One who normally examines a victim in a case to determin if they are being honest aboit who they are based on how they look, their body language, what they are doing and not doing. They do alot of observing.

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