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The Pilate Conversations – Part 3

By Andrew Williams

And the chief priests began to accuse Him of many things. 
Mark 15:3 HCSB
The Pilate Conversations – Part 3

Good morning fellow disciples.

Jesus had just revealed to Pilate that He was the King of the Jews. This was of no importance to Pilate because he knew that Jesus had no authority in the Kingdom of Rome. He might have also believed that Jesus was just being facetious.

If Jesus was the king of the Jews He would still be a subject of Rome, and Pilate would have authority far superceding Jesus’. That declaration by Jesus in itself was not a reason for Pilate to put Him to death.

The chief priest therefore had to bring many accusations against Jesus so that Pilate would see it fit to condemn Him to death.

Don’t be worrying about the opening statement when you are being persecuted. Your persecutors still have to prove their case before the judge.

Remember who you are!

Remember who is protecting you!

Remember who has empowered you!

Remember who is living inside of you!

Prayer: Father God, I am at Your mercy. You are my righteous judge and no one can overcome me without Your permission. I am filled with Your Holy Spirit. I’m walking in Your power and authority.

I am surrendered and submitted to You. Whatever You allow to happen to me, I will accept. I will endure what I have to so that You will be glorified. Amen.

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