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The Pilate Conversations – Part 2

By Andrew Williams

So Pilate asked Him, “Are You the King of the Jews? ” He answered him, “You have said it.” 
Mark 15:2 HCSB
The Pilate Conversations – Part 2

Good morning fellow disciples.

If you have ever been to court you know that when the judge asks you a question, you have to answer it! The judge wants an answer and even if you try to go around in circles around him he will bring you back to that place where YOU HAVE TO ANSWER HIS QUESTION!

Jesus was now before the judge who could actually sentence Him to death. Jesus did not keep silent when he was asked, “Are You the King of the Jews?”

He promptly responded, “You have said it.”

For the preceeding three years Jesus had hid who He was from the public. When people found out who He was He would tell them not to tell it to anyone. Now in the space of less than twenty-four hours He was readily telling persons that He was the Son of God and the King of the Jews!

This was the appointed time for these revelations to be proclaimed.

What has God told you to keep secret?

Are you patiently waiting on the appointed time for these secrets and the revelations will be revealed?

Live your life obedient to God!

In His timing He will allow you to speak!

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