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The King of the Jews

By Andrew Williams – August 10, 2021

Scripture : “Pilate also had a sign lettered and put on the cross. The inscription was: JESUS THE NAZARENE THE KING OF THE JEWS.” John 19:19 HCSB

Observation : “JESUS THE NAZARENE THE KING OF THE JEWS” – this was the inscription that Pilot told them to put on Jesus’ cross. Whether this was done because he really thought that Jesus was King of the Jews, or whether he was just mocking him, I don’t really know. However, there were some who at that time who truly believe that Jesus was the king of the Jews, and some who saw this as a joke.

Every king has a kingdom. For those kings who want to conquer, they start by ruling in their kingdom and then taking over other kingdoms. The statement, “JESUS THE NAZARENE THE KING OF THE JEWS” is significant for me because it shows me where Jesus’ earthly Kingdom began. He started off as the king of the Jews, then with His death, resurrection and ascension to heaven, He became King of the heavens and the earth.

Jesus knew that He would rule all heaven and Earth, but He also knew that His kingdom had to start somewhere. Because His mission was to save mankind and make them a part of His kingdom, He came to earth and started His kingdom as king of the Jews.

Application : It does not matter if people believe the truth about me or not, I will live according to that truth.

The plan and purpose that God has for me is great, but I realize that the starting point may be small or be difficult. I will start serving Him where He has placed me and I will do this faithfully until He elevates me or gives me more of His kingdom to serve.

Prayer : Father God I surrender and submit to You, I serve You and I will serve wherever You place me. At times Lord it may be painful or difficult to walk through the process that You have me going through, but because I know that Your plan for me is something great I will remain obedient and surrendered to You no matter what. I submit to Your will and to Your Holy Spirit in me. Help me to walk with You like Jesus did. As I walk in obedience to You Lord, help me to advance Your kingdom here on Earth. Use me just the way that You used Jesus to speak Your word and to make disciples who can do the same. Amen.

1 thought on “The King of the Jews”

  1. Onesha Mitchell Patterson

    Even though they were mocking Jesus, the truth was in the mocking. Don’t focus on what others think or even know of you, focus on what God says concerning US. We are a Royal People….

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