The Key to Victory

By Andrew Williams

James‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭NLT‬‬- So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. ‬‬‬‬

Good morning, fellow disciples.

What is the key to victory in your Christian life?

In the preceding verses in James chapter 4, James is speaking to Christians who are not acting in a Christ-like manner. He is chastising them for their ungodly and worldly behavior. He then speaks to them about the key to living the victorious life.

The key to victory is how we act!

Remember that God and Jesus have already done everything that they need to do. The price for our salvation, healing, and deliverance has already been paid. Jesus already defeated the devil and his horde of demons. As disciples of Christ, we have been given power and authority over the enemy here on earth. We have everything that we need!

All we need to do now is to obey Christ so that we can live the victorious life.

Two things are needed to live this victorious life:

1. We need to humble ourselves before Almighty God! And,

2. We need to resist the devil!

If we do these two things consistently, we will be in right standing with God and we will always be victorious over the enemy.

Are you humbling yourself before God? Are you resisting the devil and is he fleeing you?

If you are not doing these, then you will not be victorious.

Prayer: Father God, I humble myself before You now. I confess my sins and I repent of them. Forgive me, Lord. I stand in the power and the authority that You have given me, and I am resisting the devil. I am victorious, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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