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The Final Hours -The Nonverbal Conversations Part 8

By Andrew Williams

And with Him they crucified two robbers, one on [His] right hand and one on His left. And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, He was counted among the transgressors. [Isa. 53:12.] 
Mark 15:27‭-‬28 AMPC
The Final Hours -The Nonverbal Conversations Part 8

Good morning fellow disciples.

Jesus wasn’t the only one who was crucified that morning. Along with Him were two robbers.

Have you ever been in a situation where you see something playing out right in front of your eyes, and in that moment, you remember a conversation that described what is happening at that time. You don’t hear the words of that conversation, but you recall it.

For those who recognized Jesus as the Messiah, they also in this moment recalled a conversation that God had with Isaiah the prophet, where God described what would happen to His anointed one.

Here are God’s words describing that situation: Therefore will I divide Him a portion with the great [kings and rulers], and He shall divide the spoil with the mighty, because He poured out His life unto death, and [He let Himself] be regarded as a criminal and be numbered with the transgressors; yet He bore [and took away] the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors (the rebellious).
Isaiah 53:12 AMPC

Once more we see God’s promises and prophecies being fulfilled.

Have holy men of God made prophetic utterances about you?

Did you see them come to pass?

Are you trusting God that His prophetic declarations over your life will come to pass?

Prayer: Thank You, Lord Jesus, for bearing and taking on my sins and for making intercessions on my behalf to Father God. I am saved, healed, and delivered because of You! I’m forever grateful to You, Lord Jesus! I will live my life serving you and Father God. Amen.

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