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The Final Hours -The Nonverbal Conversations Part 18

By Andrew Williams

But Pilate wondered whether He was dead so soon, and, having called the centurion, he asked him whether [Jesus] was already dead. And when he learned from the centurion [that He was indeed dead], he gave the body to Joseph.
Mark 15:44‭-‬45 AMPC

The Final Hours -The Nonverbal Conversations Part 18

Good morning fellow disciples.

Pilate was thinking to himself,”was Jesus really dead?”

Sometimes the conversations that are nonverbal need to be confirmed. Here we see Pilate receiving news of Jesus’ death but he was”wondering” if this was true.

He called the centurion who was present at Jesus’ death to give the proof. When Pilate received it he gave Joseph the body.

In this passage we see three witnesses confirming the death of Jesus: Joseph, the centurion, and Pilate.

Some of us spend time overthinking what we can confirm by just asking questions. Due to a lack of questioning in conversations, we end up making false assumptions about the other person or the situation.

What have you heard that you don’t truly believe?

Ask questions of persons who are eyewitnesses so that your uncertainty can be addressed.

Ask questions of persons who have the experience that you lack.

Ask questions so that you too can know the truth.

Are you uncertain about Jesus, do you lack the experience of being a disciple of Christ, do you know the truth that will set you free?

Ask and you Will receive the answer!

Prayer: Father God, I can’t believe I’m saying this but, help us to be like Pilate. Help us to be like Pilate who wondered, sought clarification, asked for eyewitness account, then believed the report.

Help us to be like Joseph who sought to honor You by taking care of Your Son’s body. Help us to be like the centurion who gave an accurate report so that those who did not believe would now believe! Amen.

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