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The Final Hours -The Nonverbal Conversations Part 15

By Andrew Williams

And Jesus uttered a loud cry, and breathed out His life. Mark 15:37 AMPC 
The Final Hours -The Nonverbal Conversations Part 15

Good morning fellow disciples.

Can you hear that loud cry?

Does your hair stand on end?

Is your heart broken as you realize that your master, savior, Lord, and friend is now dead?

Have the tears started flowing as you realize that the one who loved and loves you the most has died?

As I am writing that, I pause to meditate on the scene. It is so gut wrenching! I’m at a loss for words. {Selah}.

What a profound way to say that Jesus died: “And Jesus uttered a loud cry, and breathed out His life. “

Take a deep breath in, now breathe out. What happens next? The answer is this: you breathe in again and then breathe out. Your life continues!

But here it says that Jesus breathed out His life. He released His Spirit from His body and the physical person we knew was no longer alive. Jesus released His Spirit and breathed out His life so that we could gain eternal life!

You know, I’ve never really thought about death as breathing out your life. But that is what literally happens, you take in a breath and then you exhale for one final time. Isn’t that poetic: your life “begins” by taking in a breath and your life ends when you take your final breath.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for giving us life beyond these bodies. We are grateful that because of Jesus’ sacrifice we get to live forever in Your Kingdom. Thank You for the cycle of life. We are fully aware of the limited time we have here on Earth, so Father God, we pledge to proclaim Your Kingdom until our final breath. Amen.

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