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The Final Hours -The Nonverbal Conversations Part 14

By Andrew Williams

And some of those standing by, [and] hearing it, said, See! He is calling Elijah! And one man ran, and, filling a sponge with vinegar (a mixture of sour wine and water), put it on a staff made of a [bamboo-like] reed and gave it to Him to drink, saying, Hold off! Let us see whether Elijah [does] come to take Him down. [Ps. 69:21.] 
Mark 15:35‭-‬36 AMPC
The Final Hours -The Nonverbal Conversations Part 14

Good morning fellow disciples.

I love that Jesus paid the price so that I could be set free. However, it pains my heart every time I read about what happened from the night of His conviction to His death.

There was no reprieve for Jesus! Even at this moment when He was crying out to God people were still making fun of Him.

Jesus always spoke truth, but there were those who always misunderstood Him. There were those who didn’t really listen but then went on to report things that they thought that He said. Here we see another instance of this happening.

Have the words that you have spoken ever been misrepresented by others? Did they misinterpret what you said and then went on to chastise you or gossip about you?

How did you feel when that happened?

Did you want to lash out at them and take revenge?

Did you forgive them for what they did to you or said about you?

Always stand on the truth regardless of how persons misrepresent your words.

Prayer: Father God, as Jesus was praying to You persons were ridiculing Him. We also undergo attack and persecution because of our prayerful conversations with You. People despise and hate us because of our fellowship with You. No matter what they say about us or do to us Father God, we will serve You wholeheartedly no matter what! Amen.

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