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The Final Hours -The Nonverbal Conversations Part 13

By Andrew Williams

And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?–which means, My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me [deserting Me and leaving Me helpless and abandoned]? [Ps. 22:1.] 
Mark 15:34 AMPC
The Final Hours -The Nonverbal Conversations Part 13

Good morning fellow disciples.

We haven’t heard Jesus speaks since He was sentenced to death. We see Him being constantly punished, beaten, ridiculed, jeered and manhandled by evil persons.

It is now three hours since darkness has spread over the land. Jesus now cries out to His Father. The Father who has been with Him constantly has been absent for a while now. The love and safety that He had experienced from fellowshipping with God the Father was now absent.

He cries out in a loud voice: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me [deserting Me and leaving Me helpless and abandoned]?”

Jesus felt forsaken, deserted, alone, helpless, and abandoned!






This is how He felt about the one person that He could always count on. Now, His God was nowhere to be found. Now, He could not feel or sense His God’s presence!

Even though Jesus knew the answer to this question, the emotions that He experienced at that time were overwhelming.

Prayer: Father God, we know that You had to forsake, dessert, and abandoned Your only begotten Son so that He could pay the price for our salvation. We thank You, we glorify You, and we honor You for this unparalleled sacrifice.

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Amen.

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