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The Correct Response

By Andrew Williams – July 21,2021

“With the faithful You prove Yourself faithful; with the blameless man You prove Yourself blameless; with the pure You prove Yourself pure, but with the crooked You prove Yourself shrewd.” Psalms 18:25‭-‬26 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Let us read this verse again. What is your character? How would God respond to your character? For example, are you faithful, blameless, pure, or crooked? Based on your response you will see how God would respond to you.

There are many other adjectives to describe the sort of persons that we are, and the question is what would God’s appropriate response to us be? Take a moment to think of who you really are.

Now that you’ve done that, what do you think is the correct response God would give to who you are? Are you a sinner in need of judgment? Are you a sinner who is repentant and receiving Grace because of that? Are you a Christian who is backsliding and needs a stern talking to? There are many things that we could look at, but we know that for whatever situation we are in or whatever character we have, that God has an appropriate and correct response. Is there something you need to change today to get a good response from God?

Prayer: Father God You have the correct response for the type of person that I am, for the type of life that I’m living, and I bow in submission to Your correct response. I’m still alive Lord, and I know that I have missed the mark so many times, so now Father God I repent of my sins and ask You to forgive me. Please Lord, make me into the sort of person that You will reward. I will do what is necessary to live up to Your statutes and to live according to the leading of Your Holy Spirit. I pray Your blessings upon me right now as I turn to do all that is pleasing in Your sight. I asked this in Jesus’ name, amen.

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