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By Andrew Williams – October 6, 2021

“Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the brethren and for strangers, who have borne witness of your love before the church. If you send them forward on their journey in a manner worthy of God, you will do well,”
III John 1:5-6 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.
As disciples of Christ, we are called upon to faithfully fulfill the ministries ( areas of service) that God has placed us in. We are all called to the ministries of proclaiming the gospel, making disciples, loving one another, and taking care of those in need.

In these verses we see Gaius doing this faithfully to both believers and strangers. What he was doing was easily witnessed by others. And they went on to tell others about the great work that he was doing. He also helped others to fulfill their ministries by giving to them and providing for them as they went out to minister to others.

This was a part of Gaius’ testimony. His testimony was proclaimed by others, and this testimony was the work and the deeds that he was doing. What do people say about you? Is your life one where persons can testify that you are doing the work of God, that you’re living for God, and that persons are being blessed by you? As we examine ourselves today may we stop to think about the testimony that we are leaving behind, and see if our lives testify of our fellowship with God and his people.

Prayer: Father God, I am blessed by these past few days as we have looked at Gaius and the life that he was living for You. We see that he is caring, loving, and hospitable. We also see that he lived his life in a way that persons could easily see that he was living for You. Your word changed him.

Help us Father God to live totally changed lives, lives full of obedience to Your Son the Lord Jesus Christ, Your word, and to Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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